July 13, 2012

Ah, Summer Flowers!

One of my favorite things on earth is the back deck on my home.  We added the deck several years ago because there was no way to the back yard on the back side of the house.  In the logical place to have a deck door, the previous owners had a very large window.  It was begging to be knocked out and turned in to the gateway of a great place to relax in the summer.  So that's what we did!
Since I've decided to become unemployed, I often have my coffee in the early morning sun.  I love soaking in the rays before it gets too warm for me and I must retreat to central air.
These are some photos of some of the many flowers and veggies I grow in pots on the deck:

I hope you are enjoying your summer too!

July 10, 2012

Goodbye, Artfire....

As much as I hate to give up on things, I have shut down my Artfire shop.  I tried for 3 months, and got plenty of views (2300+), but no sales.  I did an experiment that sealed Artfire's fate in my eyes.  I did a huge push on it and did a lot of back linking for several days.  I got significant traffic from Stumbleupon.  Great!  Except I noticed when I DIDN'T spend 2 hours a day (or more) promoting and back linking, I got very few incoming URL's. The next thing that sealed their fate was not seeing my listings in Google searches as I had previously.  This was apparently due to a Google update.

I actually LOVED Artfire's interface and seller's tools.  Etsy could learn a thing or two from these guys.  It's hard to drop something you've stuck so much time into, but the monthly cost and work to keep it going made me feel as though I was just spinning my wheels and not actually going anywhere.  So, I'm dedicating my time to the shops that actually make sales for me:  Etsy, Yardsellr and Listia.

Goodbye, Artfire.  It wasn't you, it was me ;)

June 14, 2012


I've been loving the jade lately :)

May 31, 2012

New Endeavors

For several reasons, I have left my job of 17 years.  It was one of the toughest decisions I've made to date.  Through all the agonizing over my job, my husband has been the most thoughtful and wonderful person.  He should be sainted.  He has been my best friend and biggest supporter for 21 years, and has allowed me this awesome opportunity....as scary as it is.  Not everyone can get the chance to do this, and I truly feel blessed.

A few months ago, my husband, out of nowhere, asked me if fear prevented the two of us from truly living.  I immediately answered, "Yes".   We've never moved fast on anything.  We've both always stayed on the tried and true path with work, home, you name it.  Never had children for fear of screwing them up...  You can understand how scary this must be for us.  To give a second income up for what?  Personal growth?  A shot at happiness?

Again, I can immediately answer, "Yes".

So, I'm embarking on this new way of living.  I have high hopes and already feel wonderful.  I'm going to focus on things that are good for me and the harmony of my home.  If you don't have yourself, what the hell do you actually have?

May 26, 2012

Another Collection!

I'm flattered every time......

May 19, 2012

A New Surprise

I am proud to say I have been featured in my very first collection on Artfire! It is quite flattering!

May 12, 2012

Back to the Good Stuff

As you can see below, I have been busy the last couple of days!  I am in the midst of a 4 day "sanity" break from my job.  Yup.  A break to bead, catch up on yard work and most importantly, RELAX!

My messy desk!

All the half-started things I got to finish!