June 14, 2012


I've been loving the jade lately :)

May 31, 2012

New Endeavors

For several reasons, I have left my job of 17 years.  It was one of the toughest decisions I've made to date.  Through all the agonizing over my job, my husband has been the most thoughtful and wonderful person.  He should be sainted.  He has been my best friend and biggest supporter for 21 years, and has allowed me this awesome opportunity....as scary as it is.  Not everyone can get the chance to do this, and I truly feel blessed.

A few months ago, my husband, out of nowhere, asked me if fear prevented the two of us from truly living.  I immediately answered, "Yes".   We've never moved fast on anything.  We've both always stayed on the tried and true path with work, home, you name it.  Never had children for fear of screwing them up...  You can understand how scary this must be for us.  To give a second income up for what?  Personal growth?  A shot at happiness?

Again, I can immediately answer, "Yes".

So, I'm embarking on this new way of living.  I have high hopes and already feel wonderful.  I'm going to focus on things that are good for me and the harmony of my home.  If you don't have yourself, what the hell do you actually have?

May 26, 2012

Another Collection!

I'm flattered every time......

May 19, 2012

A New Surprise

I am proud to say I have been featured in my very first collection on Artfire! It is quite flattering!

May 12, 2012

Back to the Good Stuff

As you can see below, I have been busy the last couple of days!  I am in the midst of a 4 day "sanity" break from my job.  Yup.  A break to bead, catch up on yard work and most importantly, RELAX!

My messy desk!

All the half-started things I got to finish!

May 2, 2012

Listia Madness!

I've been going just a wee bit nuts on the website Listia.  It's kind of like the internet's red-neck yard sale.  BUT, there are TONS of beading supplies to be had by the highest bidder.  Most of what I have gotten is reclaimed vintage parts - which is just fine with me!  So many baubles, beads, shells, weeeeiiird pendants, rhinestones....  I literally will probably need to spend a weekend just sorting.  I can't wait!
I made a collection for Mother's Day....mothers of all kinds :)

April 22, 2012

Special Limited Time Offer

So....now I have the blog, the Artfire and Etsy shops, and coming soon, a Facebook page.

Let's see if any of its working.  For 60 days, I'm offering a discount 25% off ANY item in my Artfire or Etsy shops.  One per person in each shop.  Use coupon code YOUFOUNDME in either shop.

I hope to see some lookers!  Below is a link to Artfire....use the shop link above for Etsy.

SAVE 25% Off All Items
Use Coupon Code:
during checkout.

April 15, 2012

The Search for Inspirado - Kid's Jewelry

When going through therapy several years ago, I discovered my "inner child".  Sounds hokey and cliche doesn't it?  Well, if you had some rough spots early in life, and have had the opportunity to have a good therapist, you might recognize the extraordinary value of this the way I did.  Basically, the idea of the "inner child" exercises we did was....well it's tough to explain....but imagine yourself now, as an adult, meeting yourself as a child.  Now imagine yourself befriending that child when they feel most vulnerable/scared/alone, and helping them to trust that you will keep them safe and feeling loved.  And not for a while, but committing to it forever - essentially becoming the parent and sense of security you desperately needed at that period of time.  And, in turn, becoming responsible and taking ownership for how you feel right now as an adult. It's a real mindfuck if you can make this happen.

I'm sure you're wondering, "what the shit does this have to do with beading??!!".  Well, let me explain.  Part of my therapy homework was to buy myself something I always wanted as a child but never got.  I bought myself a Cabbage Patch doll.  Yep.  A doll.  I never had one, but always wanted one.  This doll is still in my bedroom over seven years later as a reminder to be kind to myself, and that I am worth enough to have some of the things I want.  So you're still wondering what this has to do with beading and my inspirations?  Well, it's simple.  I was inspired to make girl's jewelry because it spoke to me as I was when I was a small kid.  I make things for kids that I would have wanted at that age.  By making kid's jewelry, I allow myself to be girly - which I do NOT do as an adult in any other facet of my life and barely did as a kid.

So now you know.  I'm not sure why I felt the need to vomit this out on my blog.  I guess because I want to be more confident in things I do/in life?  Let more people into my bubble?  Doesn't every human want to be understood?

The kid's jewelry I'm making now is very special to me.  It's nothing too complicated or incredibly unique, but it is exactly what I would have wanted as a little girl.  I hope someone can help their little girl feel precious and beautiful when they wear it.  If that happens just once, my work here is done.

April 14, 2012

The Dirty Work

So, because of this hobby I've grown to love so much, I've incurred cost.  Now, its not earth shattering amounts, but enough to consider it one of my monthly bills.  I dunno....is that the cost of therapy in a way?  Probably.  Will my husband buy that excuse?  I have yet to encounter that conversation, and don't really want to!  So, to defray the costs and to give my jewelry homes better than mine (where they'll be loved properly), I've been selling.  Not a lot yet, but some.

I call this the "dirty work" because I'm not a natural when it comes to sales.  I've been asked if I'm starting a business and answered with, "no" recently.  But I guess I am?!  I still need to do some thinking on the subject.  If you're going to call a spade a spade, I guess I already have a very small business.  I have both an Etsy and an Artfire presence, I started a blog to talk about it, and spend hours talking about it with my mother (another seller, by the way) thinking strategy and ways to get exposure.

So anyway, soon to come will be links and widgets to my "dirty work".....maybe someone will see something and love it as much as I loved putting it together.  That's my hope anyway.